Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 3- Intro Class and De Wildt Centre

Today started off as a typical college class filled day. From 9-12, we had the first class, which was more of an orientation of my Crime and HIV Rate class and my ecotourism entrepreneurship class. In addition to studying the syllabus, we watched two films, one about apartheid and one about the world's dwindling animal resources. 

After class, we went straight to the De Wildt Cheetah and Wild Dog Reserve. Let me just start off by saying:
And that's only the beginning. 

I saw Wild Dogs


and a lot of other animals. 

For example, the wild dogs at one point started treating our jeep as if it were an antelope, and we got to see first hand how it feels to be in the antelope's position when they're in the hunt. Even though there were 6 of them, they used a technique where they circled around and made their pack look a lot larger than it was, hence making it harder to escape.

I was riding in a jeep in the passenger seat up front, so I was close enough to almost touch some of these animals. It was absolutely amazing. It was a day that will probably only be topped by seeing the animals in their natural habitat in Madikwe, but for right now, i'm still positively in awe of nature. 

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