Friday, January 7, 2011

day 2- Tour of Pretoria

Right now, it's 5:30 in the morning here and for some strange reason, I am wide awake. 

But anyway, yesterday was a lot of fun. We took our giant bus and toured the city of Pretoria, or as the Africans call it, Tshwane, which means "we are the same." The bus was all fine well in good, except that there were some parts where a bus really shouldn't have been, but we managed NOT to hit any cars or people. Yet. 

However, we did manage to take a scenic route of the hillside, which overlooked the city and the country, and it was stunning:

The people here are very friendly. Almost every time the bus passed one of the locals, they would stop and wave. Granted, when we were shopping at their local market, they boosted the price a little bit, but whatever. 

After our tour, we went to the guest house where our tour guide, Patrick was staying, where Louis and Libby Biccard generously provided food and entertainment for us for the night. Later that night, Sarah, my new friends, and I hit the town of Hatfield for Andy's 21st birthday. To say that it was an awesome day would simply be an understatement. 

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